Friday, April 29, 2011

Obsidian 22 by Roger Moore

I have placed two poems from Roger Moore's 2007 Obsidian 22  [ISBN 978-1-895306-63-7] at

The poems are

  Old Man from Arrazola
  Puppet on Sundry Pieces of String

Both are in Curl markup and require the Curl RTE plugin from the site.

Both are copyright text and neither the text nor the images are selectable — regardless of the use or not of CSS or JavaScript by the user's browser.

Obsidian 22 treats of 10 photographs by Tina Modotti and is volume 3 of The Oaxacan Trilogy.

Each poem on that Moore page is prefaced by the respective stanza from the opening "Raison d'être".

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Frye Festival

Here is a link for the 2011 Frye Festival in Moncton, NB.

Maybe next year there can be a session on security for online chapbooks?

I have a post elsewhere on collaborative viewers for commenting on scripts under consideration.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Amber Tamblyn's poetry

Poems by Amber Tamblyn can be seen at her but also at Google Books.

Her books of poetry are Free Stallion and Bang Ditto.

The poems at her site have a printed copyright but are not otherwise protected — although they could have been secured using Curl web markup.

Here is an example of a partially-secured copyright poem of Franz Baermann Steiner (the link will require the safe and secure Curl browser plugin in order to view the poem.)

On the web, the Curl 7.0.3 browser plugin is often referred to as the Surge RTE (runtime engine) and it is somewhat similar to plugins for Flash or Java but with a more mature security model.  The plugin is used in mission critical software by companies such as the Paisley division of Thomson Reuters with their impressive global clients.  Curl's own customers include Nissan and Hitachi.