Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Luther Bibel

I have put a complete Luther Bible in German at

Why?  Vexation.  First that my university library had none (the German ! Department thought it belonged in the library of a religious college.)  Something like having no Chaucer and no Shakespeare and no KJV for an English Department.  Then, more recently, I found that the internet sources are all annoying and offered no simple text version.

This one is a straight HTML file, all 4+ Mb. The page comes with links to books at the top, but nothing more.

I will create a Curl version using Curl markup from - which will allow as much markup and annotation as I care to add.

Why in the 'poets' Aule?  Because it stands to German poetry as do the above-mentioned to English poetry.

HTML Luther Bibel auf deutsch.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Albrecht Haushofer

At I have added "Der Vater" by Albrecht Haushofer, a victim of the Gestapo in the last days of Nazi Berlin.

The poem is in my Curl poetry markup, but the text is not selectable as I have no copyright information for the version which I have available.

The page requires the Curl RTE browser plugin available at